Growing cold-resistant cacti in Switzerland?
It's possible. Join me!
Swiss Cold Hardy Cactus welcomes you!
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About Swiss Cold Hardy Cactus
Swiss Cold Hardy Cactus welcomes you. My site's primary purpose is to share information on growing cold hardy cacti outdoors. My advice and articles are based on my knowledge acquired empirically and on the extensive research I have carried out over the years in French and English literature. I also enjoy interacting with other enthusiasts.
My favorite genre isEchinocereusbut I also likepediocactus, themEscobaria, themaustrocactusor even other genera whose hardiness is often overlooked. The cold hardy cacti page gives you advice with precise indications according to the genres.
Loving atypical plants, I also grow carnivorous plants such asSundewsrustic andSarracenias.I also have tropical orchids and so-called caudex plants like Adenium, Dorstenia or Uncarina.
I have been sowing for several years to obtain certain species that are more difficult to find. I regularly have surplus seedlings that I offer on my webshop. On request, I can also take on research mandates for a particular plant that you want.
If interested, do not hesitate to contact me using the form and subscribe to the mailing list to keep you informed.
Good visit!