On this page you will find several Youtube channels that I particularly appreciate. The first channel is that of Cactus Joe. He presents his plants and makes the whole community benefit from his knowledge acquired after many years of cultivation. Joe knows how to popularize the culture of our favorite plants and will introduce you to various subjects that will fascinate you.
Echinocereus online regularly posts time lapse videos of flowering as well as in situ reports of the genreEchinocereus.
Crime pays but botanny doesn't. If you don't know this channel yet, it's time to fix it! Joey Santoro will introduce you to a wide range of plants in the habitat including cacti. His vision of plants that are part of an ecosystem will make you aware of the richness and importance of the world around us.
Cactus Quest is a relatively young channel but has already produced a significant number of greenhouse and habitat tour videos. The issue of conservation is also addressed.
Au cactus Vosgien will present everything about rustic cacti. Eric will introduce you to his large garden in the Vosges (France) with more than 5,000 plants in cultivation. Many topics around our favorite plants are presented on video. In French.