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Austrocactus native to Patagonia South America is rather unknown and not widespread in cultivation. However, it has something to seduce with its incredible blooms. But they are also resistant to cold (-11°c without problem for me).  Elisabeth and Norbert Sarnes, a German couple, are known for their immense work on this genus and the dissemination of its seeds. Thanks to their book and some advice obtained from Elisabeth, I can give you the following recommendations in order to cultivate this genre as well as possible.

As Pediocactus, their growth period starts earlier than other types of cacti and they rest during the hot summer period. They appreciate early watering and very good ventilation. I grow them under a simple rain cover where the air can circulate freely. This is how I treat my plants:

  • Very mineral substrate (90%)

  • Water at the end of February/beginning of March as soon as the temperatures reach >10°c during the day

  • Stop watering when daytime temperatures exceed 30°C and nighttime temperatures do not fall below 20°C (generally corresponds to the summer period)

  • Fertilize heavily in the spring for the production of flower buds

  • Water lightly from September to mid-October.

Austrocactus sous la neige


I sowed Austrocactus in November 2020. Seed sowing was done according to my baggy sowing method. The second winter they all stayed outside in the frost. From my modest experience they don't seem to appreciate repotting because I lost 20% to 80% depending on the species at that time. 


Below: Austrocactus subandinus "Los Molles&quot", Mendoza, Argentina. SAR6842. 

Hardiness by species

The genus Austrocactus includes species that are very resistant to frost when the plant is kept dry. The following species withstood -12°C for 7 days at my house. I haven't found any information yet about the limit but I wouldn't worry up to -15°c.

  • Austrocactus subandinus SAR6842

  • Austrocactus philippii SAR3484

  • Austrocactus longicarpus SAR6912

  • Austrocactus colloncurensis SAR8421

  • Austrocactus coxii SAR3211

  • Austrocactus ferrarii SAR2153

  • Austrocactus praecox SAR13083

  • Austrocactus nobilis SAR8452

  • Austrocactus pauxillus SAR8283


For further

The website of Elisabeth and Norbert Sarnes:Patagonian cacti

Their book in German and English: Austrocactus 2015

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