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Sowing is a simple way to obtain certain species that are more difficult to find or to expand the number of varieties for the same species. It is also very formative and when one embarks on hardy varieties an excellent way to have many seedlings for testing. I present to you my method which has proven itself at home. There are a plethora of other sowing techniques. It's up to everyone to experiment, draw conclusions and adapt!

In category connections is a list of seed suppliers. For those who want to start with seedlings, I also suggest a kit with all the material needed to sow hardy cacti.

On this page I present to you my method called sowing in bags (or baggies).

Why this sowing method?

I chose this method because it is relatively simple. Once seeding is done, there is no maintenance. Seeds germinate and seedlings grow in a stable environment that has been disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. They will stay there between 6 and 8 months on average. Even up to 1 year for slow growing species.

What is hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide in its aqueous form is commonly used as a disinfectant. It therefore makes it possible to treat the substrate in which I sow. It also activates the germination of seeds, including those of genus known to be difficult to germinate, such as Pediocactus or Toumeya. The statistics related to the use of hydrogen peroxide are visible on the site cactus sowers. The advantage of this product is that it is easy to find in pharmacies and only requires the usual precautions for use.

Pediocactus peeblesianus

When to sow?

There are two sowing periods to consider. The first is during the month of April if you only have one window sill. The days are getting longer and will allow the seedlings to develop well. Be careful not to put the bag in direct sunlight. The second period is the one you want but preferably in autumn. For this, artificial lighting of the horticultural type is necessary. This way, the seedlings will grow in winter and can be repotted in spring before going outside. 

When to sprout seedlings?

Seedlings can be left in the bags as long as growth is good. It may happen that mold appears after a few months. To save the seedling, I open the bag for about ten days then completely take out the pots. The watering rhythm is now normal, that is to say that I let the substrate dry out between waterings.

They should be repotted when they can be handled by hand without difficulty.

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